Thursday, April 26, 2012

Project #8 - Tie Dye Shirts to Celebrate Earth Day

For our next project students created tie dye shirts using blue and green dye to celebrate Earth Day. We use tulip brand dye which was bought at our local A.C.Moore and it seems to work the best and have the most vivid colors. We buy the dye that comes with special squirt bottles, this seems to work the best with children of all ages. It is very easy to use, you just add warm water and its ready to go.

 Here are some images of the tie dye day we had.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Project #7 - Planting

For the next Earth Day Lesson we learned about plants. We learned all about what plants need to grow and how they grow. We also created a nice piece of art illustrating how plants work. Check out the pictures of this latest project.

Here are the kids working on the plant project

Here is the finished plant art project

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Project #6 - Sea Turtle Adoption

For our 6th Earth Day Project each third grade class adopted a SEA TURTLE !!! Mrs. Beckett's class adopted a turtle named Dicey and Mrs. Murphy's class adopted a sea turtle named Audrey. Both sea turtles live in North Carolina and are grown female turtles. We learned about how sea turtles are on the endangered species list and we learned about some of the reasons why. Both of our turtles are loggerhead turtles.

You can go to this link to see our turtle AUDREY  

Here is a photo of our turtle Audrey

You can go to this link to see our turtle DICEY

Here is a photo of our turtle Dicey

Both turtles have a tracking device and can be followed on these sites. Each class will receive a package in the mail with a full color 8x10 photo of the turtles, a map to track them, adoption certificates and information about each turtle. Our third graders did an awesome job raising money for the adoption. Again they learned that this is just one way we can help give back and protect the earth.  

Project #5 - Bird Feeders and Bird Supply Boxes

For the 5th project we made easy bird feeders for the birds and placed them in the trees all around the school grounds. We also made six nest supply boxes, which we also hung in the trees around the school grounds. The birds feeders were made from recycled tissue rolls, peanut butter and bird seed. We collected lint and string for the nest supply boxes. We talked about how we can help the animals and by helping our animal friends we are protecting the earth. Here are some of the pictures from these projects.

First we start with your basic bird seed

Next we cover the tissue roll in peanut butter

Next we rolled the tissue roll in the seed covering it with seeds

Our finished feeders placed in trees, simply slipped over the branches

Here are some of the pics we took while making the bird supply boxes

Friday, April 13, 2012

Project #4 - Recycled Photo Frames

For the fourth Earth Day Project we created recycled photo frames using old puzzle pieces. We talked about how we can reuse things that are old, broken or damaged. We used puzzle pieces that had missing pieces to make colorful frames.

The kids working hard on the recycled puzzle frames.

The Finished Product !!!!

Earth Day Project #3 - Planting

For the third project we took the kids outside and planted grass seed in cups, after they decorated the cups to look like faces. Once the grass grows it will look like hair growing out of the top of the cup. We talked to the kids about the importance of planting and how it is one simple way that we can give back to the earth. We told them that once the grass had grown strong in the cups they could take it home and plant it in the ground and watch it grow and spread. We told them about the Earth resources that get used up and depleated and how it is important to replace these things.

 Here are the photos of the kids outside after we planted the seeds in the cups.

Here are some of the finished cups after planting. I will post more photos as the grass begins to grow.

Earth Day Project #2 - Posters

 For the second project students got into groups and created posters about different topics regarding the Earth. Group one worked on Endangered Animals, Group two on Saving Energy, Group three  on Water Conservation and Group four on Pollution. They used markers to create these posters and they included information about each topic.

This group works on a poster about Endangered Animals.

 This group works on a project about Water Conservation.

 This group works on a poster about Saving Energy.

 This group works on a poster about Pollution.